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Staubli-Łódź Sp. z o.o.	Gryfilen - Grupa Azoty

Wynik wyszukiwania

Od idei do wdrożenia. Grupa Azoty bliżej przełomowych rozwiązań technologicznych zdjęcie

Od idei do wdrożenia. Grupa Azoty bliżej przełomowych rozwiązań technologicznych

Zaledwie pięć miesięcy działania nowatorskiego programu akceleracyjnego Idea4Azoty wystarczyło, aby spośród kilkudziesięciu zgłoszonych projektów badawczo- rozwojowych, Grupa Azoty wytypowała osiem innowacyjnych rozwiązań o wysokim potencjale wdrożeniowym.

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ALBIS PLASTIC expands its ALFATER XL® portfolio with a series of new polyamide adhesion modified TPV grades zdjęcie

ALBIS PLASTIC expands its ALFATER XL® portfolio with a series of new polyamide adhesion modified TPV grades

ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH is expanding its portfolio of thermoplastic elastomers by including polyamide adhesion modified ALFATERXL® compounds available in shore hardness A55, A70 and A85.  

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DSM’s new hydrolysis-resistant Arnite® PBT provides new costeffective alternative to high performance polymers zdjęcie

DSM’s new hydrolysis-resistant Arnite® PBT provides new costeffective alternative to high performance polymers

Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, is adding hydrolysis-resistant grades of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) to its Arnite® family of thermoplastic polyesters.

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ALBIS PLASTIC adds TEXIN RxT TPU from Covestro to its healthcare product portfolio zdjęcie

ALBIS PLASTIC adds TEXIN RxT TPU from Covestro to its healthcare product portfolio

ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH, global specialist for the distribution and compounding of technical thermoplastics located in Hamburg, expands its healthcare product portfolio by adding Texin® RxT TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer) types from Covestro AG.  

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Płyty wylewane Mitsubishi zdjęcie

Płyty wylewane Mitsubishi

Doskonałej jakości płyty wylewane marki Tuplex R by Mitsubishi Rayon już w ofercie Tuplex!

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Feddersen Group launches new corporate design for K show zdjęcie

Feddersen Group launches new corporate design for K show

The companies of the Feddersen Group have introduced a new corporate design as of 1 October 2022, just in time for the industry event K 2022.

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Individual plant concepts for the production of ATEX materials zdjęcie

Individual plant concepts for the production of ATEX materials

The company Nexam Chemical AB from Lomma, Sweden, was looking for a new compounding plant that could be used specifically for the production of reactive masterbatches. The machine manufacturer FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG based in Sinzig, Germany, supplied the suitable plant and encountered some challenges in the process.

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BFT is co-exhibitor at AKRO-PLASTIC stand zdjęcie

BFT is co-exhibitor at AKRO-PLASTIC stand

Greentech Startup presents at the industry event 2022, which is all about sustainability.

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Feddersen Group concludes cooperation agreement with Toolplace GmbH zdjęcie

Feddersen Group concludes cooperation agreement with Toolplace GmbH

In February 2024, K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH, parent company of the internationally active Feddersen Group with a focus on the trade and production of engineering plastics, concluded a cooperation agreement with Toolplace GmbH. Toolplace offers digital solutions for the procurement of injection moulding tools that complement the Feddersen Group's portfolio.

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ATH Group focuses strategic direction on converting industry and sells ZAE-Antriebssysteme zdjęcie

ATH Group focuses strategic direction on converting industry and sells ZAE-Antriebssysteme

Hamburg-based ATH Altonaer-Technologie-Holding GmbH announces that it has sold ZAE-Antriebssysteme GmbH & Co KG as of December 31, 2021. The buyer is Dacapo Group, based in Berlin.

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Machine engineering and service zdjęcie

Machine engineering and service

For the fifth time, FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG, will be exhibiting at the K trade fair in Hall 15, Stand A42.

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LANXESS: Cały łańcuch wartości ma stać się neutralny dla klimatu zdjęcie

LANXESS: Cały łańcuch wartości ma stać się neutralny dla klimatu

Producent chemii specjalistycznej, firma LANXESS robi kolejny krok w ochronie klimatu i wyznacza cel dla swoich emisji z poziomu 3. Koncern dąży do tego, aby przepływy łańcuchów dostaw do 2050 roku stały się neutralne dla klimatu. Poziom 3 obejmuje emisje pośrednie, przede wszystkim z zakupionych surowców, ale także z logistyki i produktów końcowych.

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Follow-up strategic investment in Biofiber Tech Sweden AB zdjęcie

Follow-up strategic investment in Biofiber Tech Sweden AB

Hamburg-based K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH supports through a follow-up stake in the start-up Biofiber Tech Sweden AB the production upscaling of their material innovation FibraQ®.

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Award Winning Performance zdjęcie

Award Winning Performance

The new TS2 SCARA series from Stäubli is not only well received by the industry, now the innovative four-axis robots have won one of the most coveted design awards, the Red Dot Design Award 2021 in the "Product Design" category. A great success for the still young robot series, which sets benchmarks in terms of dynamics, precision and cleanroom

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Wszystkich: 62