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Staubli-Łódź Sp. z o.o.	Gryfilen - Grupa Azoty

Wynik wyszukiwania

Joint stand of K.D. Feddersen, FEDDEM and Biofiber Tech zdjęcie

Joint stand of K.D. Feddersen, FEDDEM and Biofiber Tech

At stand B62-C57, K.D. Feddersen GmbH & Co. KG, Succursale France together with their sister company FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG and the Swedish startup Biofiber Tech Sweden AB presented their new products.

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Progress in machinery technology and service zdjęcie

Progress in machinery technology and service

The machinery builder FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG is displaying developments in its extrusion and compounding equipment at this year's FAKUMA in Hall A6, Booth 6217.

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ICX® Technology Days 2022 - Successful premiere of a new event series zdjęcie

ICX® Technology Days 2022 - Successful premiere of a new event series

The Sinzig-based machinery builder FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG invited to Niederzissen, Rhineland-Palatinate, on 27 and 28 September 2022. At the production site of its sister company AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH, the participants were given an insight into the production technology involving the machinery builder’s equipment in addition to several interesting lectures.

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Strategic start-up investment in Biofiber Tech Sweden AB zdjęcie

Strategic start-up investment in Biofiber Tech Sweden AB

Hamburg-based K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH acquired a minority stake in the start-up Biofiber Tech Sweden AB in June 2022.

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PBT range with new highlights – K.D. Feddersen distributes Crastin® from Celanese zdjęcie

PBT range with new highlights – K.D. Feddersen distributes Crastin® from Celanese

From January 2024, K.D. Feddersen Distribution in Europe is expanding its extensive Celanese PBT range with new grades for food applications, halogen-free flame retardancy and high CTI values.

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Feddersen Group launches new corporate design for K show zdjęcie

Feddersen Group launches new corporate design for K show

The companies of the Feddersen Group have introduced a new corporate design as of 1 October 2022, just in time for the industry event K 2022.

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BIO-FED and Piramidal sign distribution agreement for Brazil zdjęcie

BIO-FED and Piramidal sign distribution agreement for Brazil

The Cologne-based company BIO-FED and the Brazilian distributor Piramidal signed a distribution agreement for the Brazilian market in April 2022.

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Machine engineering and service zdjęcie

Machine engineering and service

For the fifth time, FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG, will be exhibiting at the K trade fair in Hall 15, Stand A42.

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Otwarcie składowiska w Białej – inwestycja w ekologię, zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców zdjęcie

Otwarcie składowiska w Białej – inwestycja w ekologię, zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców

Ponad 2-hektarowa niecka do składowania, pomieszczenia socjalno-biurowe, plac manewrowy, waga wraz z infrastrukturą towarzyszącą – pod koniec września w Białej nastąpiło uroczyste otwarcie składowiska azbestu, nowej, długo wyczekiwanej przez lokalne władze, inwestycji FCC Polska. Koszt prac wyniósł ponad 2 mln zł.

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Glass fibre reinforced polyamide. New kids balance bike from Affenzahn with frame made entirely of plastic zdjęcie

Glass fibre reinforced polyamide. New kids balance bike from Affenzahn with frame made entirely of plastic

Fond OF GmbH from Cologne, Germany which is known for sustainable and high-quality products for children, has introduced a new kids balance bike under the brand name "Affenzahn". AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH, plastic compounder from Niederzissen in Rhineland-Palatinate/Germany, supplied compound, masterbatch and technical support.

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BFT is co-exhibitor at AKRO-PLASTIC stand zdjęcie

BFT is co-exhibitor at AKRO-PLASTIC stand

Greentech Startup presents at the industry event 2022, which is all about sustainability.

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Award Winning Performance zdjęcie

Award Winning Performance

The new TS2 SCARA series from Stäubli is not only well received by the industry, now the innovative four-axis robots have won one of the most coveted design awards, the Red Dot Design Award 2021 in the "Product Design" category. A great success for the still young robot series, which sets benchmarks in terms of dynamics, precision and cleanroom

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ATH Group focuses strategic direction on converting industry and sells ZAE-Antriebssysteme zdjęcie

ATH Group focuses strategic direction on converting industry and sells ZAE-Antriebssysteme

Hamburg-based ATH Altonaer-Technologie-Holding GmbH announces that it has sold ZAE-Antriebssysteme GmbH & Co KG as of December 31, 2021. The buyer is Dacapo Group, based in Berlin.

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Chem-Trend presents its new digital Ultra Purge™ catalogues zdjęcie

Chem-Trend presents its new digital Ultra Purge™ catalogues

Chem-Trend, a global market leader in the development and production of high-performance release agents, purging compounds and other specialised process chemicals, has released its new online catalogues of Ultra Purge™ products.

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MachinePoint participates in the technological conferences organized by MKP in Madrid zdjęcie

MachinePoint participates in the technological conferences organized by MKP in Madrid

On Thursday November 22nd the III MKP Technical Conference took place in Madrid. MachinePoint together with Reifenhauser Group, NGR, Frigosystems, Ultrasystem and Syncro presented the latest innovations and solutions to the market of film extrusion, recycling and bag making.

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Wszystkich: 190